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Event and Facilities Request Form

Ursuline is home to a beautiful 11.5 acre campus with a variety of facilities that can be used for a multitude of events. If you would like to use our space for your fabulous event, please complete the inquiry form below and someone from our advancement office will reach out to you.

Event Inquiry Form


Events and Facilites Request Form

Employee Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Are you looking to reserve a space on campus with NO ADDITIONAL SETUP? required
What space would you like to reserve? Choose all that apply.required
Will you need parking availability? Choose all that apply.required
Name of Faculty/Staff Member Responsible required
First Name
Last Name
Must contain only numbers
Is this event open to the public or an internal UA event?required
Will you need catering from SAGE for this event?required
Will you need security for this event? Please note that security is required for events where money will be collected. required
Does this need to be included on the Academy Calendar on the website? required