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Support Ursuline

Let Charity Always Burn in Your Heart.St. Angela Merici

Ways to Give

Ursuline Academy of New Orleans offers the following giving options:

Make an Online Gift Now!

Give Online
Make a gift online using our secure online giving form with Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.

Give by Phone
To make a gift by phone using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, please call the Office of Institutional Advancement at (504) 861-2146.

Give by Mail
To make a gift by mail, please send your gift and a completed copy of our printable giving form to:
Ursuline Academy of New Orleans
Office of Institutional Advancement
2635 State Street
New Orleans, LA 70118

Tribute and Memorial Gifts
Make a gift in memory or honor of someone by dedicating your gift to Ursuline Academy in their name. You may add their name to the "comment" section of your gift. 

Obtain a Matching Gift from Your Employer
Amplify your contribution through your employer’s matching gift program. Many companies offer matching gift programs that increase the impact of their employees' charitable donations. Learn more here.

Give via Electronic Funds Transfer, Bank Transfer, or Wire Transfer
You can make a recurring or one-time gift straight from your bank account. For details on how to make a gift by wire transfer, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (504) 861-2146 or

Give via Stock and Securities Transfer
Stock and securities can be transferred to Ursuline Academy's account here:
Hancock Whitney
701 Poydras St., Suite 3100
New Orleans, LA 70139
Attention: Chris Durio
Phone: 504-586-3662
Mobile: 504-982-8568

Please inform us of your transaction by contacting the Office of Institutional Advancement at (504) 861-2146 or