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Planned Giving


Founded in 1727 by the Sisters of the Order of Saint Ursula, Ursuline Academy enjoys the distinction of being first all-girls' Catholic school in the United States. Convinced that the education of women was essential to the development of a civilized, spiritual and just society, the Ursuline Sisters influenced culture and learning in New Orleans by providing an exceptional education for its women. 

An Ursuline education is rooted in a tradition of formation and innovation. It provides a nurturing environment for the learning and development of the whole person, based on a sound foundation of values drawn from the vision and philosophy of Saint Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Order in Brescia, Italy in 1535. Ursuline Academy is dedicated to the moral, spiritual, intellectual and social growth of each individual, and these values are validated by our education approach. 

Membership in the Laurel Legacy Guild is offered to all those who share a commitment to the Academy, endorsing its mission, and affirming that commitment by means of a planned gift.

To become eligible for Society membership, an individual simply informs the school in writing that Ursuline Academy of New Orleans has been included in his or her estate plan, by any of a number of ways, including a bequest in your will, as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan or by making use of a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Lead Trust.

If you have any questions, or would like to inform the Academy of a planned gift and become a member of the OLPS Legacy Society, please fill out the form below or contact